
Sichere Datenplattform und intelligente Sensorik für die Versorgung der Zukunft in der Orthopädie

Sichere Datenplattform und intelligente Sensorik für die Versorgung der Zukunft in der Orthopädie

Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen, vor allem Rücken- und Knieleiden, sind in Deutschland einer der häufigsten diagnostizierten Krankheiten. Zum Teil auch arbeitsbedingt, sind diese für einen großen Teil der Arbeitsunfähigkeit verantwortlich, was zu erheblichen Kosten für Unternehmen und des Gesundheitssystems führt. Das größte Leistungsvolumen der Krankenkassen fällt in diesem Zusammenhang auf die Verschreibung von Physiotherapien. Für die betroffene Patient:innen ist dies eine erhebliche Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Schmerzen, sowie langwierigen Diagnostik- und Therapieprozessen, die wiederum an zahlreiche Behandlungstermine und Überweisungen zu den jeweiligen behandelnden Ärzt:innen und Physiotherapeut:innen geknüpft sind, sind die Folge. In OrthoSuPer wird die Entwicklung eines intelligenten Wearables sowie eines Computer-Vision Technologie für orthopädische Fälle, wie Knie-Rehabilitation und orthopädietechnischen Versorgungen angestrebt. Eine gemeinsame Datenplattform in Form einer App, wird sich an Ärzt:innen, Physiotherapeut:innen, Orthopädietechniker:innen als auch an Patient:innen richten. Durch die Integration einer mobilen Bewegungsanalyse mittels des Wearables, sowie eines markerlosen kamerabasierten Systems in die digitale Prozesskette, ergeben sich enorme Vorteile für Diagnostik, Monitoring des Krankheitsverlaufs, von Behandlungsfortschritten und Therapiezyklen, bis hin zum Therapieende. Ferner kann auch die Nachsorge in Form von Rehabilitation, Kontrollen und Prävention wesentlich verbessert werden. Dies führt zu einer erheblichen Arbeitserleichterung für behandelnde Ärzte und Therapeuten. In Deutschland werden jährlich ca. 60.000 Patient:innen mit einer Knie Totalendoprothese versorgt. Davon können laut Krankenkassen ungefähr 30% durch ein SmartWearable vermieden oder aufgeschoben werden. Das entspricht also ca. 20.000 Patient:innen jährlich. Die Expertise der bisherigen einzelnen Prozessbeteiligten wird durch digitalisierte, automatisierte Prozesse verknüpft, beispielsweise mit einer sicheren Kommunikation und Dokumentation über die mobile Applikation. Durch die Digitalisierung wird in der Patient:innenversorgung Zeit gewonnen und der Versorgungsprozess insgesamt für alle transparenter, die Daten helfen Ergebnisse zu objektivieren und gleichzeitig die orthopädische Versorgung zu verbessern. Patient:innen können von einem wesentlich geringeren Aufwand sowie qualitativ höherwertiger Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge profitieren. Zusätzlich gewinnen sie maßgeblich an Kontrolle und Unabhängigkeit. Für die Krankenkassen und das Gesundheitssystem kann OrthoSuPer durch die Vernetzung und transparente medizinischen Prozesse, über die gesamte Patient Journey, erheblich zu einer Optimierung der eingesetzten Ressourcen beitragen.


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA SIMI Reality Motion Systems GmbH wearHEALTH, TU Kaiserslautern (TUK) Routine Health GmbH Orthopädisches Krankenhaus Schloss Werneck


Michael Lorenz, M.Sc.

Daniela Wittmann


Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Twinning

Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Twinning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a major impact on many sectors and its influence is predicted to expand rapidly in the coming years. One area with considerable untapped potential for AI is the field of Earth Observation, where it can be used to manage large datasets, find new insights in data and generate new products and services. AI is one of the missing core areas that need to be integrated in the EO capabilities of the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE). AI-OBSERVER project aims to significantly strengthen and stimulate the scientific excellence and innovation capacity, as well as the research management and administrative skills of the ECoE, through several capacity building activities on AI for EO applications in the Disaster Risk Reduction thematic area, upgrading and modernising its existing department of Resilient Society, as well as its research management and administration departments, and assisting the ECoE to reach its long-term objective of raised excellence on AI for EO on environmental hazards. A close and strategic partnership between the ECoE from Cyprus (Widening country) and two internationally top-class leading research institutions, the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) from Germany and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (UNITOV) from Italy, will lead to a research exploratory project on the application of AI on EO for multi-hazard monitoring and assessment in Cyprus. Moreover, CELLOCK Ltd. (CLK), the project’s industrial partner, will lead commercialisation, exploitation and product development aspects of AI-OBSERVER and its exploratory project outputs. All outputs will be disseminated and communicated to stakeholders, the research community, and the public, assisting the ECoE to accomplish its exploitation goals, by creating strong links with various stakeholders from academia and industry in Cyprus and beyond, that ECoE will capitalise on, long after the end of the project.


ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE), Zypern (Koordinator) DFKI, Deutshland Universität Rom Tor Vergata, Italien CELLOCK Ltd., Zypern


Dr. Dipl.-Inf. Gerd Reis


TWIN4TRUCKS – Digitaler Zwilling und KI in der vernetzten Fabrik für die integrierte Nutzfahrzeug­produktion, Logistik und Qualitätssicherung

Am 1. September 2022 startete das Forschungsprojekt Twin4Trucks (T4T). Darin verbinden sich wissenschaftliche Forschung und industrielle Umsetzung in einzigartiger Weise. Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus sechs Unternehmen aus Forschung und Industrie: Die Daimler Truck AG (DTAG) ist Konsortialführer des Projekts. Sie ist der größte Nutzfahrzeughersteller der Welt und mithilfe von Twin4Trucks soll ihre Produktion durch die Implementierung neuer Technologien wie Digitaler Zwillinge oder eines Digital Foundation Layer optimiert werden. Die Technologie-Initiative SmartFactory Kaiserslautern (SF-KL) und das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) geben als visionäre Wissenschaftseinrichtungen mit Production Level 4 die Entwicklungsrichtung vor. Der IT-Dienstleister Atos ist zuständig für den Datenaustausch über Gaia-X, die Qualitätssicherung durch KI-Methoden und das Umsetzungskonzept des DFL. Infosys ist zuständig für die Netzwerkarchitektur, 5G Netzwerke und Integrationsleistungen. Das Unternehmen PFALZKOM baut eine Regional Edge Cloud auf, sowie ein Datencenter. Dazu kommen Gaia-X Umsetzung und Betriebskonzepte für Netzwerke.


Simon Bergweiler

Dr.-Ing. Jason Raphael Rambach


Self-referenced Mobile Collaborative Robotics applied to collaborative and flexible production systems

Self-referenced Mobile Collaborative Robotics applied to collaborative and flexible production systems

The project will deliver a complete novel vision-guided mobile robotic solution to automate the assembly and screwdriving of final ssembly operations, which are currently performed manually. The solution will include a robotic cell integrating real-time process control to guarantee the process quality including a digital twin platform for accurate process simulation and trajectory optimization to minimize setup time and increase flexibility. A demonstrator will be built for system validation performing quality control procedures and screwing of automotive parts on the chassis of a vehicle.


Aldakin S.L (Spain)

Simumatik A.B (Sweden)

Visometry GmbH (Germany)


Dr.-Ing. Alain Pagani


Human AI teaming Knowledge and Understanding for aviation safety

Human AI teaming Knowledge and Understanding for aviation safety

It is essential both for safe operations, and for society in general, that the people who currently keep aviation so safe can work with, train and supervise these AI systems, and that future autonomous AI systems make judgements and decisions that would be acceptable to humans. HAIKU will pave the way for human-centric-AI by developing new AI-based ‘Digital Assistants’, and associated Human-AI Teaming practices, guidance and assurance processes, via the exploration of interactive AI prototypes in a wide range of aviation contexts.

Therefore, HAIKU will:

  1. Design and develop a set of AI assistants, demonstrated in the different use cases.
  2. Develop a comprehensive Human Factors design guidance and methods capability (‘HF4AI’) on how to develop safe, effective and trustworthy Digital Assistants for Aviation, integrating and expanding on existing state-of-the-art guidance.
  3. Conduct controlled experiments with high operational relevance – illustrating the tasks, roles, autonomy and team performance of the Digital Assistant in a range of normal and emergency scenarios
  4. Develop new safety and validation assurance methods for Digital Assistants, to facilitate early integration into aviation systems by aviation stakeholders and regulatory authorities
  5. Deliver guidance on socially acceptable AI in safety critical operations, and for maintaining aviation’sstrong safety record.


  1. Deep Blue Italy DBL 2 EUROCONTROL Belgium ECTL 3 FerroNATS Air Traffic Services Spain FerroNATS 4 Center for Human Performance Research Netherlands CHPR 5 Linköping University Sweden LiU 6 Thales AVS France TAVS 7 Institute Polytechnique de Bordeaux France Bordeaux INP 8 Centre Aquitain des Technologies del’Information Electroniques France CATIE 9 Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Germany DFKI 10 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA Italy ENG 11 Luftfartsverket, Air Navigation Service Provider Sweden Sweden LFV 12 Ecole Nationale De L’aviation Civile France ENAC 13 TUI Airways Ltd United Kingdom TUI 14 Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Limited Cyprus Suite5 15 Airholding SA Portugal EMBRT 16 Embraer SA Brazil EMBSA 17 Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis Greece CERTH 18 London Luton Airport Operations Ltd United Kingdom LLA


Nareg Minaskan Karabid

Dr.-Ing. Alain Pagani


Cooperative Real-Time Experience with Extended reality

Cooperative Real-Time Experience with Extended reality

The consortium of CORTEX2 — “COoperative Real-Time EXperiences with EXtended reality” — is proud to announce the official start of this European initiative, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed individuals and companies worldwide to work primarily from home or completely change their work model in order to stay in business. The share of employees who usually or sometimes work from home rose from 14.6% to 24.4% between 2019 and 2021. In Europe, the proportion of people who work remotely went from 5% to 40% as a result of the pandemic. Today, all the signs are that remote work is here to stay: 72% of employees say their organization is planning some form of permanent teleworking in the future, and 97% would like to work remotely, at least part of their working day, for the rest of their career. But not all organizations are ready to adapt to this new reality, where team collaboration is vital.

Existing services and applications aimed at facilitating remote team collaboration — from video conferencing systems to project management platforms — are not yet ready to efficiently and effectively support all types of activities. And extended reality (XR)-based tools, which can enhance remote collaboration and communication, present significant challenges for most businesses.

The mission of CORTEX2 is to democratize access to the remote collaboration offered by next-generation XR experiences across a wide range of industries and SMEs.

To this aim, CORTEX2 will provide:

  • Full support for AR experience as an extension of video conferencing systems when using heterogeneous service end devices through a novel Mediation Gateway platform. – Resource-efficient teleconferencing tools through innovative transmission methods and automatic summarization of shared long documents. – Easy-to-use and powerful XR experiences with instant 3D reconstruction of environments and objects, and simplified use of natural gestures in collaborative meetings. – Fusion of vision and audio for multichannel semantic interpretation and enhanced tools such as virtual conversational agents and automatic meeting summarization. – Full integration of internet of things (IoT) devices into XR experiences to optimize interaction with running systems and processes. – Optimal extension possibilities and broad adoption by delivering the core system with open APIs and launching open calls to enable further technical extensions, more comprehensive use cases, and deeper evaluation and assessment.

Overall, we will invest a total of 4 million Euros in two open calls, which will be aimed at recruiting tech startups/SMEs to co-develop CORTEX2; engaging new use-cases from different domains to demonstrate CORTEX2 replication through specific integration paths; assessing and validating the social impact associated with XR technology adoption in internal and external use cases.

The first one will be published on October 2023 with the aim to collect two types of applications: Co-development and Use-case. The second one will be published on April 2024, targeting only Co-development type projects.

The CORTEX2 consortium is formed by 10 organizations in 7 countries, which will work together for 36 months. ​​The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) leads the consortium.

More information on the Project Website: https://cortex2.eu


  1. – DFKI – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH Germany 2 – LINAGORA – GSO France 3 – ALE – Alcatel-Lucent Entreprise International France 4 – ICOM – Intracom SA Telecom Solutions Greece 5 – AUS – AUSTRALO Alpha Lab MTÜ Estonia 6 – F6S – F6S Network Limited Ireland 7 – KUL– Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium 8 – CEA – Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives France 9 – ACT – Actimage GmbH Germany 10 – UJI – Universitat Jaume I De Castellon


Dr.-Ing. Alain Pagani


Fluently - the essence of human-robot interaction

Fluently – the essence of human-robot interaction

Fluently leverages the latest advancements in AI-driven decision-making process to achieve true social collaboration between humans and machines while matching extremely dynamic manufacturing contexts. The Fluently Smart Interface unit features: 1) interpretation of speech content, speech tone and gestures, automatically translated into robot instructions, making industrial robots accessible to any skill profile; 2) assessment of the operator’s state through a dedicated sensors’ infrastructure that complements a persistent context awareness to enrich an AI-based behavioural framework in charge of triggering the generation of specific robot strategies; 3) modelling products and production changes in a way they could be recognized, interpreted and matched by robots in cooperation with humans. Robots equipped with Fluently will constantly embrace humans’ physical and cognitive loads, but will also learn and build experience with their human teammates to establish a manufacturing practise relying upon quality and wellbeing.

FLUENTLY targets three large scale industrial value chains playing an instrumental role in the present andfuture manufacturing industry in Europe, that are: 1) lithium cell batteries dismantling and recycling (fullymanual); 2) inspection and repairing of aerospace engines (partially automated); 3) laser-based multi-techs forcomplex metal components manufacturing, from joining and cutting to additive manufacturing and surfacefunctionalization (fully automated in the equipment but strongly dependent upon human process assessment).


  • REPLY DEUTSCHLAND SE (Reply), Germany,
  • IRIS SRL (IRIS), Italy,
  • GLEECHI AB (GLE), Sweden,
  • MCH-TRONICS SAGL (MCH),Switzerland,
  • FANUC SWITZERLAND GMBH (FANUC Europe), Switzerland,
  • UNIVERSITY OF BATH (UBAH), United Kingdom


Dipl.-Inf. Bernd Kiefer

Dr.-Ing. Alain Pagani


Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry

The European construction industry faces three major challenges: improve its productivity, increase the safety and wellbeing of its workforce and make a shift towards a green, resource efficient industry. To address these challenges adequately, HumanTech proposes a human-centered approach, involving breakthrough technologies such as wearables for worker safety and support, and intelligent robotic technology that can harmoniously co-exist with human workers while also contributing to the green transition of the industry.

Our aim is to achieve major advances beyond the current state-of-the-art in all these technologies, that can have a disruptive effect in the way construction is conducted.

These advances will include:

Introduction of robotic devices equipped with vision and intelligence to enable them to navigate autonomously and safely in a highly unstructured environment, collaborate with humans and dynamically update a semantic digital twin of the construction site.

Intelligent unobtrusive workers protection and support equipment ranging from exoskeletons triggered by wearable body pose and strain sensors, to wearable cameras and XR glasses to provide real-time worker localisation and guidance for the efficient and accurate fulfilment of their tasks.

An entirely new breed of Dynamic Semantic Digital Twins (DSDTs) of construction sites simulating in detail the current state of a construction site at geometric and semantic level, based on an extended BIM formulation (BIMxD)


Hypercliq IKE Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Scaled Robotics SL Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin Sci-Track GmbH SINTEF Manufacturing AS Acciona construccion SA STAM SRL Holo-Industrie 4.0 Software GmbH Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation Catenda AS Technological University of the Shannon : Midlands Midwest Ricoh international BV Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL Prinstones GmbH Universita degli Studi di Padova European Builders Confederation Palfinger Structural Inspection GmbH Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Implenia Schweiz AG Kajima corporation


Dr. Bruno Walter Mirbach

Dr.-Ing. Jason Raphael Rambach


Greifbare Realität - geschickte Interaktion von Benutzerhänden und -fingern mit realen Werkzeugen in Mixed-Reality Welten

Greifbare Realität – geschickte Interaktion von Benutzerhänden und -fingern mit realen Werkzeugen in Mixed-Reality Welten

On 01.10.2021, the research project GreifbAR started under the leadership of the DFKI (research area Augmented Reality). The goal of the GreifbAR project is to make mixed reality (MR) worlds, including virtual (VR) and augmented reality (“AR”), tangible and graspable by allowing users to interact with real and virtual objects with their bare hands. Hand accuracy and dexterity is paramount for performing precise tasks in many fields, but the capture of hand-object interaction in current MR systems is woefully inadequate. Current systems rely on hand-held controllers or capture devices that are limited to hand gestures without contact with real objects. GreifbAR solves this limitation by introducing a sensing system that detects both the full hand grip including hand surface and object pose when users interact with real objects or tools. This sensing system will be integrated into a mixed reality training simulator that will be demonstrated in two relevant use cases: industrial assembly and surgical skills training. The usability and applicability as well as the added value for training situations will be thoroughly analysed through user studies.


Berliner Charite (University Medicine Berlin) NMY (Mixed reality applications for industrial and communication customers) Uni Passau (Chair of Psychology with a focus on human-machine interaction).


Dr. Dipl.-Inf. Gerd Reis

Dr.-Ing. Nadia Robertini


6G for Society and Sustainability

6G for Society and Sustainability

The project “Open6GHub” develops a 6G vision for sovereign citizens in a hyper-connected world from 2030. The aim of the Open6GHub is to provide contributions to a global 6G harmonization process and standard in the European context. We consider German interests in terms of our societal needs (sustainability, climate protection, data protection, resilience, …) while maintaining the competitiveness of our companies and our technological sovereignty. Another interest is the position of Germany and Europe in the international competition for 6G. The Open6GHub will contribute to the development of an overall 6G architecture, but also end-to-end solutions in the following, but not limited to, areas: advanced network topologies with highly agile organic networking, security and resilience, THz and photonic transmission methods, sensor functionalities in the network and their intelligent use, as well as processing and application-specific radio protocols.


  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH (DFKI)
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS (FOKUS)
  • Fraunhofer IAF (IAF)
  • Fraunhofer SIT (SIT)
  • Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik (IHP)
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
  • Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam (HPI)
  • RWTH Aachen University (RWTH)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
  • Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDa)
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau (ILM)
  • Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK)
  • Universität Bremen (UB)
  • Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE)
  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (ALU)
  • Universität Stuttgart (UST)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Dieter Schotten