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Learning 6DoF Object Poses from Synthetic Single Channel Images

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Learning 6DoF Object Poses from Synthetic Single Channel Images

by Jason Raphael Rambach, Chengbiao Deng, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker  has been accepted at ISMAR 2018.

The paper will be presented in a poster session. The conference will take place in Munich from 16 – 20th October 2018.

The IEEE ISMAR is the leading international academic conference in the fields of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality.
The symposium is organized and supported by the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE VGTC.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Project „Eyes of Things“ concludes with best achievements

The Augmented Vision Group of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) presented the results of the European project “Eyes of Things” (Grant number 643924) during a final review in September 2018, together with seven partners from across Europe. Following the overall goal of the project, the consortium delivered a miniature and independent Computer Vision system based on a low-power and dedicated vision processor from the company Intel Movidius, with interfaces to three different energy-efficient cameras (AMS-Awaiba NanEye, Sony, Himax). The battery-powered device has a very small form factor, and is able to run computer vision tasks continuously (“always on”) for several days. The developed wireless interface allows for exchanging processed data with companion devices (tablets, smartphones) or for storing information in the cloud. The versatility of the Eyes Of Things device could be successfully demon-strated through the development of four different applications: A doorbell surveillance application which notifies the house owner about visits on his smartphone, a therapy doll which analyses the emotion profile of young patients through vision-based emotion recognition, a multi-purpose camera which synchronizes user-defined events in a cloud-based virtual memory and an intelligent audio guide for museums which recognizes artworks and automatically plays contextual audio comments. During the review, the partners presented the results of pilot tests for all demonstrators.  The consortium received the mention “all project aims have been successfully achieved”, which is the highest possible review outcome. Two of the project’s demonstrators – the multi-purpose surveillance camera and the Augmented Museum Guide – will be developed and commercialized as user products in partnership with DFKI in the upcoming months.

Contact: Dr. Alain Pagani


Learning 3D Shapes as Multi-Layered Height-maps using 2D Convolutional Networks

…by Kripasindhu Sarkar, Basavaraj Hampiholi, Kiran Varanasi, Didier Stricker  is accepted in ECCV 2018.

The ECCV-series is a premiere conference of computer vision, organized in alteration with ICCV, the international version on the same topic. Where ICCV is organized on odd years, ECCV is organized on even years. This year ECCV will take place in Munich from 08 – 14 September.

3 accepted papers at 3DVision 2018

Our team members are presenting the following papers at 6th international conference on 3D Vision:

DeepHPS: End-to-end Estimation of 3D Hand Pose and Shape by Learning from Synthetic Depth by
Jameel Malik; Ahmed Elhayek; Fabrizio Nunnari; Kiran Varanasi; Kiarash Tamaddon; Alexis Heloir; Didier Stricker

NRGA: Gravitational Approach for Non-Rigid Point Set Registration by
Sk Aziz Ali; Vladislav Golyanik; Didier Stricker

Structured Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Point-Cloud Denoising by
Kripasindhu Sarkar; Florian Bernard; Kiran Varanasi; Christian Theobalt; Didier Stricker


3D Vision will be held in Verona, Italy, September 5 – 8, 2018. It is a rapidly growing conference focusing on all aspects of 3D vision and 3D processing. 3DV provides “a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad variety of topics in the area of 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation and transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of applications”.

More information on the conference program can be found here.


Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research visits DFKI

On 24th of July DFKI was honoured with a top-class visit. Accompanied by Prof. Dr. Konrad Wolf, Minister of Science of Rhineland-Palatinate, Federal Minister Anja Karliczek gained insights into current research trends in digital education, machine learning, and the role of people in the factory of the future.


Prof. Didier Stricker explains to Federal Minister Anja Karliczek the system demonstration on “Intelligent verification of the driver’s willingness to take over the vehicle control”. This is based on image and behavior analyses. Photo: DFKI

More detailed information about the visit as well as further pictures can be found in the DFKI press release.

Keynote of Dr. Oliver Wasenmüller on Autonomous Driving

On May 15th Dr. Oliver Wasenmüller was giving a Keynote Lecture on visual perception in autonomous driving on the Mannheim Computer Science Colloquium. In his presentation, he introduced the different stages of autonomous driving and explained the central role of visual perception for them. Decisive for automated driving functions is, for example, the determination of distances to other road users (such as vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians, etc.), the detection of lanes and traffic signs or the precise localization of one’s own vehicle. Furthermore, the movements in the environment have to be captured accurately in order to make predictions about the near future. The research of Dr. Wasenmüller’s team ‘Machine Vision and Autonomous Vehicles’ deals exactly with these challenges and is looking for more innovative methods to better perceive the vehicle environment.

The Mannheim Computer Science Colloquium serves to present and discuss new research results as well as new methods, techniques and solutions of computer science. Every month another speaker from science or industry is invited to present the latest trends in a given topic.

Mannheimer Informatik Kolloquium, Dr. Oliver Wasenmüller


Keynote talk of Prof. Stricker at INNOSPACE

Prof. Stricker presented at the INNOSPACE event of Airbus, ESA and HBO the current state of the art of Augmented Reality and newest results about how to automate content creation (see start-up and initialize 3D tracking without any preparation or set-up work.


LARA project wins Madrid Challenge of the European Satellite Navigation Competition, ESNC 2017

It is a great honour to announce that our Horizon2020 project LARA, won the Madrid Challenge of the European Satellite Navigation Competition, ESNC 2017. GeoImaging from Nicosia, coordinator and technology partner of LARA project together with SignalGeneriX from Limassol, a technology partner of the project, received the prestigious award on behalf of the LARA consortium.

The ESNC Awards Ceremony took place November 7, 2017 in front of an international audience during the European Space Week 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.


Dr Stylianidis, coordinator of LARA project and Dr Tasos Kounoudes of SignalGeneriX receive the award from the Director of the GSA, Mr Carlo des Dorides

The ESNC annually awards the best services, products, and business ideas using satellite navigation in everyday life, spurring the development of respective market-driven applications.

This award is a confirmation of success for all the hard work invested by all project partners especially now that the project enters the commercialization phase.

A complete list of this year’s ESNC winners is available at the ESNC 2017 Hal of Fame.

Successful trials with “Eyes-of-Things“ at the Albertina Museum

The group Augmented Vision implemented an embedded and ultra-low power machine learning recognition algorithm, which has been tested in the context of trials at the Albertina Museum in Vienna, Austria. The Eyes of Thing is a visual IoT System with AI capability. It has been jointly developed with 8 partners across Europe over the last three years and anticipated the current and very fast development of Embedded Machine Vision using Learning Techniques. High-level computer vision and machine learning are being embedded in more and more devices, paving the way to many new applications.

See the video of the trials, by our partner Fluxguide:

3 papers at WACV 2018
At the 18th edition of the Winter Conference on Applications of ComputerVision – WACV 2018 our team members are presentig the following papers:

Paper #1 : Fusion of Keypoint Tracking and Facial Landmark Detection for Real-Time Head Pose Estimation by Jilliam Maria Diaz Barros, Bruno Mirbach, Frederic Garcia, Kiran Varanasi, Didier Stricker

Paper #2: SceneFlowFields: Dense Interpolation of Sparse Scene Flow Correspondences by René Schuster, Oliver Wasenmüller, Georg Kuschk, Christian Bailer, Didier Stricker

Paper #3: 3D Shape Processing by Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders on Local Patches by Kripasindhu Sarkar, Kiran Varanasi, Didier Stricker

WACV is being held from March 12 – 14 at Harvey’s Casino in Lake Tahoe, NV/CA. The program schedule is available here.