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Three papers accepted at ISMAR 2017

Our research group got three papers accepted at 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2017:

Paper #1: A Probablistic Combination of CNN and RNN Estimates for Hand Gesture Based Interaction in Car by Aditya Tewari, Bertram Taetz, Frederic Grandidier, Didier Stricker

Paper #2: Augmented Things: Enhancing AR Applications leveraging the Internet of Things and Universal 3D Object Tracking by Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker

Paper #3: Fusion of unsynchronized optical tracker and inertial sensor in EKF framework for in-car Augmented Reality delay reduction by Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, Sebastian Lampe, Ruben Reiser, Manthan Pancholi, Didier Stricker

The IEEE ISMAR is the leading international academic conference in the fields of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. The congress jointly organized by Centrale Nantes and Inria will be held at La Cité, Nantes Events Center in Nantes (France), on October 9–13, 2017.