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Start of the EU project ExtremeXP

The kick-off meeting for the EU project ExtremeXP was held on January 26th and 27th, 2023, in the city of Athens, Greece.

The vision of ExtremeXP “EXPerimentation driven and user eXPerience-oriented analytics for eXtremely Precise outcomes and decisions” is to provide accurate, precise, fit-for-purpose, and trustworthy data-driven insights via evaluating different complex analytics variants, considering end users’ preferences and feedback in an automated way.

Dr. Alain Pagani enlightened the audience on the capabilities of the Augmented Vision department, highlighting the expertise and key strengths it brings to the table in the realm of Augmented Reality and Explainability.

ExtremeXP will provide:

  • Specification and semantics for modelling complex user-experience-driven analytics.
  • Automated and scalable data management for complex analytics workflow.
  • Scenario-driven and opportunistic machine learning to design and develop AutoML mechanisms for performing scenario-based algorithm and model selection considering on-demand user-provided constraints (performance, resources, time, model options).
  • User-experience- and experiment-driven optimization of complex analytics to design the architecture of the framework for experiment-driven optimisation of complex analytics.
  • Transparent decision making with interactive visualisation methods to explore how augmented reality, visual analytics, and other visualisation techniques and their combinations can enhance user experience for different use cases, actors, domains, applications, and problem areas
  • Extreme data access control and knowledge management
  • Test and validation framework and application on different impactful real-life use cases to incorporate the ExtremeXP tools, methods, models, and software into a scalable, usable, and interoperable integrated framework for complex experiment-driven analytics

The project consortium consists of 20 partners, which are:

  1. Athena Research Center (coordinator) [Greece]
  2. Activeeon [France]
  3. Airbus Defense and Spaces SLC [France]
  4. BitSparkles [France]
  5. Bournemouth University [United Kingdom]
  6. CS-Group [France]
  7. Charles University of Prague [Czech Republic]
  8. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz [Germany]
  9. Fundacio Privada I2cat, Internet I Innovacio Digital A Catalunya [Spain]
  10. Institute of Communications and Computer Systems [Greece]
  11. IDEKO [Spain]
  12. INTERACTIVE4D [France]
  14. IThinkUPC [Spain]
  15. MOBY X [Cyprus]
  16. SINTEF [Norway]
  17. Technical University of Delft [Netherlands]
  18. University of Ljubljana [Slovenia]
  19. Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya [Spain]
  20. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam [Netherlands]

Contact persons:

Mohamed Selim

Dr. Alain Pagani

Nareg Minaskan Karabid