Virtual Assembly Training in Vehicle Industry using a Semantic Repository

Virtual Assembly Training in Vehicle Industry using a Semantic Repository
Dominic Gorecky, Diego Collarana, Christian Stahl, Moritz Kümmerling
Proceedings of the 3rd International Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium International Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT-14), March 11-13, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Virtual training shows a high potential to complement or even re-place physical setups for training of assembly processes in and beyond the ve-hicle industry. The idea of virtual training is one of the traditional ones in the field of virtual reality, but real world experience shows that it has not yet made its way into daily practice. The precondition for the breakthrough of virtual training is that it overcomes the problems of former approaches. The paper pre-sents the design approach taken during the development of a game-based, virtu-al training system for procedural assembly knowledge in the EU-FP7 project VISTRA, where one key challenge to address is extensive authoring effort for setting up virtual environments. Although knowledge from the product and manufacturing design is available and could be used for virtual training, a con-cept for integration of this data is still missing. This paper presents the design of a platform which transfers available enterprise data into a unified model for vir-tual training and thus enables virtual training of workers at the assembly line before the physical prototypes exist. The data requirements and constraints stemming from industrial partners involved in the project will be collected and transformed into an overall system contains, which contains several heteroge-neous components, among which ontologies play a central role.