Angewandte Referenzarchitektur für virtuelle Dienste und Anwendungen

Angewandte Referenzarchitektur für virtuelle Dienste und Anwendungen

ARVIDA is a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) with actually 23 partners from research and industry. The main goal of the project is the creation of a service oriented reference architecture for virtual technologies (VT). The service orientation and the usage or rather adaption of available internet and VT-standards ensure interoperability between different modules and VT applications. A broad cross-company evaluation of the reference architecture in selected industrial scenarios guarantees that the results can be used as a future standard. The department Augmented Vision at DFKI deals in this project with a target-actual comparison for virtual product verification. Thereby a real object is captured in real-time and compared to a CAD model of the object. Though algorithms for high precision reconstruction of objects with small or medium size using low-cost depth cameras are investigated and developed.


Dr. Hilko Hoffmann