The new technology in the area of 3D scanning has been presented for the first time at the Cebit.
The big success confirmed the relevance of the approach and need for such solution.
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The new technology in the area of 3D scanning has been presented for the first time at the Cebit.
The big success confirmed the relevance of the approach and need for such solution.
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…is the newly started European project at AV.
The kick-off meeting was held on January 27th 2015 at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Read also the press release on the Kick-off meeting.
If you are interested in the project’s goals and objectives, partners and the idea behind it, please check also the project website
… the WearHEALTH team for their success being one of the eight winners of the prestigious Young Researchers Competition called by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the field of “interdisciplinary competence development in the research field human-machine interaction for demographic change”.
If you are curious and would like to know who or what is WearHEALTH .
Positions in the area of sensor networks, sensor fusion, motion tracking and computer vision / augmented Reality are available. Please refer to the following links for more details.
Two publications were accepted at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2014. ECCV is one of the top conferences for researchers in the field of computer vision.
Christian Bailer, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker
A Superior Tracking Approach: Building a strong Tracker through Fusion
Tobias Nöll, Johannes Köhler, Didier Stricker
Robust and Accurate Non-Parametric Estimation of Reflectance using Basis Decomposition and Correction Functions
ECCV 2014 takes place for the 13th time and will be held from September 6th to September 12th in Zürich (Switzerland).
Alain Pagani hat am 13.06.2014 seine Dissertation mit der wissenschaftlichen Aussprache erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Seine Doktorarbeit trägt den Titel „Reality models for efficient registration in Augmented Reality“. In seiner Arbeit befasste sich Alain Pagani mit mathematischen Modellen realer Objekte oder Szenen, um das Problem der Kameraregistrierung im Forschungsfeld Erweiterte Realität zu behandeln. Die vorgeschlagenen bildbasierte Verfahren ermöglichen eine effiziente Kamerapose-Berechnung in unterschiedlichen Szenarien und lösen somit eine grundliegende Herausforderung der erweiterten Realität.
Gutachter der Arbeit sind Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker und Prof. Dr. Michael Felsberg (Linköping University).
Wir gratulieren Alain Pagani herzlich zu diesem Erfolg!
A Franco-German TV Network ARTE (ARTE FUTUREMAG) interviewed Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker to the european project AlterEGO.
The full interview is available in german and french languages (see links below)
Recently two publications resulting from research work within the Augmented Vision Group were accepted at the WSCG 2014 conference ( Both publications address image-based 3D reconstruction relying on perspective respectively spherical images.
Oliver Wasenmüller, Bernd Krolla, Francesco Michielin, Didier Stricker
Correspondence Chaining for Enhanced Dense 3D Reconstruction
The paper proposes and evaluates a new algorithm to fuse existing dense two-view 3D reconstruction algorithms to a multi-view reconstruction, where each 3D point is estimated from multiple images. This leads to an enhanced precision and reduced redundancy of the reconstructed model.
Bernd Krolla, Christiano Couto Gava, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker
Consistent Pose Uncertainty Estimation for Spherical Cameras
The paper discusses and evaluates the reliability of first order uncertainty propagation results in context of spherical Structure from Motion, concluding that they are not valid without restrictions, but depend on the choice of the objective function.
The “International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision” (WSCG) takes place for the 22nd time and will be held from June 2nd to June 5th in Pilzen (Czech Republic).
Think Outside the Box:
Nils Petersen will give a talk on „Augmented Reality in Service & Support” at Service Desk World 2014
When: 6th May 2014, 13:10 – 13:30
Where: InterContinental Düsseldorf, Königsallee 59, 40215 – Düsseldorf