CasTabDetectoRS: Cascade Network for Table Detection in Document Images with Recursive Feature Pyramid and Switchable Atrous Convolution

CasTabDetectoRS: Cascade Network for Table Detection in Document Images with Recursive Feature Pyramid and Switchable Atrous Convolution
Khurram Azeem Hashmi, Alain Pagani, Marcus Liwicki, Didier Stricker, Muhammad Zeshan Afzal
Journal of Imaging (MDPI J) 7 10 Seiten 214-237 MDPI 10/2021 .

Table detection is a preliminary step in extracting reliable information from tables in scanned document images. We present CasTabDetectoRS, a novel end-to-end trainable table detection framework that operates on Cascade Mask R-CNN, including Recursive Feature Pyramid network and Switchable Atrous Convolution in the existing backbone architecture. By utilizing a comparativelyightweight backbone of ResNet-50, this paper demonstrates that superior results are attainable without relying on pre- and post-processing methods, heavier backbone networks (ResNet-101, ResNeXt-152), and memory-intensive deformable convolutions. We evaluate the proposed approach on five different publicly available table detection datasets. Our CasTabDetectoRS outperforms the previous state-of-the-art results on four datasets (ICDAR-19, TableBank, UNLV, and Marmot) and accomplishes comparable results on ICDAR-17 POD. Upon comparing with previous state-of-the-art results, we obtain a significant relative error reduction of 56.36%, 20%, 4.5%, and 3.5% on the datasets of ICDAR-19, TableBank, UNLV, and Marmot, respectively. Furthermore, this paper sets a new benchmark by performing exhaustive cross-datasets evaluations to exhibit the generalization capabilities of the proposed method.