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Oliver Wasenmüller successfully finishes his PhD

On 1st September 2017, Oliver Wasenmüller successfully defended his PhD thesis about “Towards an Accurate RGB-D Benchmark, Mapping and Odometry as well as their Applications” in front of the examination commission consisting of Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker (TU Kaiserslautern and DFKI), Prof. Dr. Dieter Fellner (TU Darmstadt and FhG IGD) and Prof. Dr. Karsten Berns (TU Kaiserslautern).

In his thesis, Oliver Wasenmüller addressed and enhanced several algorithms for more accurate RGB-D mapping and odometry. For that purpose, he researched methods for the precise mapping of depth images as well as the determination of their positions in odometry algorithms. He provided a public benchmark, which, for the first time, allows the objective evaluation of such algorithms. Furthermore, he transferred the algorithms into an industrial application within the scope of a 3D discrepancy check. He conducted his research in the context of the projects ARVIDA and BodyAnalyzer.

Oliver Wasenmüller studied Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern and finished his master in cooperation with the Sony European Technology Center. Since then, he has been working as a project manager and researcher at the department “Augmented Vision” (AV) of the DFKI Kaiserslautern. He is currently managing several projects dealing with image processing for automotive and industrial applications.

Prof. Dr. Stricker announces the successfully passed PhD of Dr. Wasenmüller along with Prof. Dr. Fellner and Prof. Dr Berns

Prof. Dr. Stricker announces the successfully passed PhD of Dr. Wasenmüller along with Prof. Dr. Fellner and Prof. Dr. Berns