

The research department „Augmented Vision“ develops innovative solutions in the fields of:

  • Computer Vision, mainly 3D scene reconstruction (structure and motion estimation), real-time camera pose/motion estimation, object recognition and tracking in videos.
  • Sensor Fusion, including theory and design of Kalman and particle filters, visual-inertial sensors, and on-body sensor networks.
  • Visualization, Virtual and Augmented Reality. This area includes large data-set visualization, geometry and appearance modeling/rendering, and user interaction.

The activities range from basic and academic research to the development of specific industrial prototypes, and covers mainly software and consulting services. The work is carried out in the context of basic research grants, publicly founded national and European projects, and direct orders from the industry. The current application areas include Virtual Engineering, Ambient Assisted Living, New Media, Safety and Security. The research department has been founded in 2008, is located in Kaiserslautern and directed by Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker.