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Augmented Vision Demonstration at ISMAR 2017

The department Augmented Vision demonstrates its object tracking technology “Augmented Things” at ISMAR 2017 in Nantes! This technology allows to augment any object for everyday use – the tracking is especially robust in difficult light conditions and under partial occlusion. Besides the demonstrator “Augmented Things”, the department Augmented Vision presents two publications:

Augmented Things: Enhancing AR Applications leveraging the Internet of Things and Universal 3D Object Tracking
Jason Raphael Rambach, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker

Fusion of unsynchronized optical tracker and inertial sensor in EKF framework for in-car Augmented Reality delay reduction
Jason Raphael Rambach, Alain Pagani, Sebastian Lampe, Ruben Reiser, Manthan Pancholi, Didier Stricker

A Probablistic Combination of CNN and RNN Estimates for Hand Gesture Based Interaction in Car
Aditya Tewari, Bertram Taetz, Frederic Grandidier, Didier Stricker


Six papers accepted at 3DVision 2017

3DV is a rapidly growing conference focusing on all aspects of 3D vision and 3D processing.

3DV provides “a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad variety of topics in the area of 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation and transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of applications”.

Our following papers has been accepted and will be presented at the conference in Qingdao from October 10th-12th 2017:

Paper  # 1: Simultaneous Hand Pose and Skeleton Bone-Lengths Estimation from a Single Depth Image by Jameel Malik, Ahmed Elhayek, and Didier Stricker.

Paper  # 2: Fast and Efficient Depth Map Estimation from Light Fields by Yuriy Anisimov and Didier Stricker.

Paper  # 3: Learning Quadrangulated Patches for 3D Shape Parameterization and Completion by Kripasindhu Sarkar, Kiran Varanasi, and Didier Stricker.

Paper  # 4: Scalable Dense Monocular Surface Reconstruction by Mohammad Dawud Ansari, Vladislav Golyanik, and Didier Stricker.

Paper  # 5: High Dimensional Space Model for Dense Monocular Surface Recovery by Vladislav Golyanik and Didier Stricker.

Paper  # 6: Multiframe Scene Flow with Piecewise Rigid Motion by Vladislav Golyanik, Kihwan Kim, Robert Maier, Matthias Nießner, Didier Stricker, and Jan Kautz.


The papers will be shortly available on our webpage.

Oliver Wasenmüller successfully finishes his PhD

On 1st September 2017, Oliver Wasenmüller successfully defended his PhD thesis about “Towards an Accurate RGB-D Benchmark, Mapping and Odometry as well as their Applications” in front of the examination commission consisting of Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker (TU Kaiserslautern and DFKI), Prof. Dr. Dieter Fellner (TU Darmstadt and FhG IGD) and Prof. Dr. Karsten Berns (TU Kaiserslautern).

In his thesis, Oliver Wasenmüller addressed and enhanced several algorithms for more accurate RGB-D mapping and odometry. For that purpose, he researched methods for the precise mapping of depth images as well as the determination of their positions in odometry algorithms. He provided a public benchmark, which, for the first time, allows the objective evaluation of such algorithms. Furthermore, he transferred the algorithms into an industrial application within the scope of a 3D discrepancy check. He conducted his research in the context of the projects ARVIDA and BodyAnalyzer.

Oliver Wasenmüller studied Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern and finished his master in cooperation with the Sony European Technology Center. Since then, he has been working as a project manager and researcher at the department “Augmented Vision” (AV) of the DFKI Kaiserslautern. He is currently managing several projects dealing with image processing for automotive and industrial applications.

Prof. Dr. Stricker announces the successfully passed PhD of Dr. Wasenmüller along with Prof. Dr. Fellner and Prof. Dr Berns

Prof. Dr. Stricker announces the successfully passed PhD of Dr. Wasenmüller along with Prof. Dr. Fellner and Prof. Dr. Berns


Augmented Vision got one of the highly coveted NVIDIA Tesla V100s

We are proud to announce that our research department got one of the highly coveted NVIDIA Tesla V100s. NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, not only unveiled NVIDIA’s novelty in the context of the CVPR 2017 but he also presented it to 15 participants of the NVIDIA AI Labs programes including Augmentd Vision department. In the front row, first from right, you can see our colleague, Christian Bailer, who attended the conferece and received the gift on behalf of the group.


Check the details on NVIDIA’s blog.

Two papers accepted at BMVC 2017

Our research group got two papers accepted at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2017:

Fast dense feature extraction with convolutional neural networks that have pooling or striding layers by Christian Bailer, Tewodros Habtegebrial, Kiran Varanasi and Didier Stricker.

Introduction to Coherent Depth Fields for Dense Monocular Surface Recovery by Vladislav Golyanik, Torben Fetzer and Didier Stricker.

Both papers will be soon available on our webpage.

The BMVC is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas. It is organised by the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) and will take place from 4th to 7th September 2017 in the Imperial College London.

GPU + Real-time Paper Accepted@ ICIP 2017

The paper analyses applicability of current GPUs in real-time applications with hard real-time
constraints and provides a solution for a single dedicated GPU. This work was done in collaboration with
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS).

Towards Scheduling Hard Real-Time Image Processing Tasks on a Single GPU
Vladislav Golyanik, Mitra Nasri, Didier Stricker

The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2017 will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, and industry sessions, and creates an excellent forum to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, and network with the brightest minds in academia and industry that are working in this field. The conference  will be held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, China from 17-20 September 2017.

Three papers accepted at ISMAR 2017

Our research group got three papers accepted at 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2017:

Paper #1: A Probablistic Combination of CNN and RNN Estimates for Hand Gesture Based Interaction in Car by Aditya Tewari, Bertram Taetz, Frederic Grandidier, Didier Stricker

Paper #2: Augmented Things: Enhancing AR Applications leveraging the Internet of Things and Universal 3D Object Tracking by Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker

Paper #3: Fusion of unsynchronized optical tracker and inertial sensor in EKF framework for in-car Augmented Reality delay reduction by Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, Sebastian Lampe, Ruben Reiser, Manthan Pancholi, Didier Stricker

The IEEE ISMAR is the leading international academic conference in the fields of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. The congress jointly organized by Centrale Nantes and Inria will be held at La Cité, Nantes Events Center in Nantes (France), on October 9–13, 2017.