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Participate in our IROS 2012 workshop “Cognitive Assistive Systems: Closing the Action-Perception Loop”

In cooperation with members from the University of Bristol, the University of Leeds, the Centre for Computer Graphics in Portugal, and the KTH in Sweden, DFKI will co-organise the IROS 2012 workshop “Cognitive Assistive Systems: Closing the Action-Perception Loop“. The workshop is organised as an activity for the European project COGNITO, to discuss the state-of-the-art methods in assistive systems, and as a platform to show the project’s outcomes.

We warmly invite you to participate and submit your ongoing work until July 13, 2012!

Show How It’s Done – New Methods for Augmented Reality Manuals @ CeBIT 2012

The Augmented Vision department will present their results towards Augmented Reality manuals at this year’s CeBIT taking place in Hannover from March 6th to 10th.

PB_AV_AR-Handbuch_20120301-EN.pdf1.37 MB

You can find our demonstrator at the DFKI booth F42, Hall 26 (CeBIT lab)

CeBIT 2012

Odysseus Studio First Public Release

Studio is a standalone 3D visualizer and editor created in house based on Odysseus Framework.
On top of visualization and editing of your 3D models Studio allows for real time materials tweaking and provides open access to the rendering pipeline to the final user by using cgfx. It supports multiple render targets and it is possible to create a pipeline of scene effects.

To download Studio and to find out more about Studio please check

OrcaM results presented at Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern

Latest impressive results of the project OrcaM have been presented to the interested public on Sunday, November 27th at the Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern in the context of the event series Kunst(früh)stück. Due to the huge success and interest of the visitors, the head of the department Augmented Vision, Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker and Dr. Gerd Reis will present the method and results of digitization and 3D reconstuction of two objects d’art again on Sunday, December 04th.

Read also the german press release on the event.

Reha-Training zu Hause: „Übungen können effektiver und unabhängig durchgeführt werden“

In einem Interview mit spricht Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker über Pamap System.

Ganzen Artikel lesen auf (link not available anymore)

Augmented Vision goes to Medienwoche@IFA 2011

Dr. Frank Michel from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) gives a talk on the subject of “Continuous Natural User Interfaces: Interaction with New Media” at the “Internationale Funkausstellung” (IFA) in Berlin.

The presentation is being held Today, Tuesday, 6th of September 2011, between 14.00 and 15.30 under the slogan “Fresh Ideas, Future Technologies, Art and Design” in the context of the new “Digital Think Tank”, a panel, where experts from science, design and marketing presents their visions and products for tomorrow’s media landscape.

Frank Michel will sketch current tools and trends for interaction and interfaces, e.g. the interaction with natural intuitive gestures iPad. Furthermore he will characterize current research findings and methods and illustrate the visions of DFKI based on prototypical systems.”

VIDP – The Visually Impaired Digital Platform
On May 5th the official Kick-Off Meeting of the EUREKA Eurostars Project VIDP took place at the SightCity exhibition located in Frankfurt (Main), the largest international fair in Germany for Low Vision Aids. Delegates from all European partners participated in the meeting. Throughout the three year project a digital viewing aid for visually impaired people will be developed and thoroughly evaluated. The main benefit of the device is the significantly enhanced flexibility compared to traditional solutions like goggles and lenses, digital magnifiers and contrast enhancers. This flexibility enables the implementation of a personalized viewing aid even for pathologies like Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Cataract or Glaucoma. At the DFKI the runtime system as well as the image processing related aspects of the device will be developed.

Brazilian research delegation visiting DFKI

Kaiserslautern – From 2011 May 11th to 17th a research delegation from the Instituto Stela – Florianópolis, Brazil is going to visit DFKI in Kaiserslautern. The visit is part of collaborative activities in the context of the German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/2011. Under the topic “sustainable: innovative” the researchers from Stela and DFKI investigate challenging problems in different areas. The workshop provides opportunity to establish new ties with people from industry, research and university. Following the workshop in Brazil the current one is used for the detailed specifications and requirements analysis of already indentified common projects.

CEBIT 2011: Fast 3D Site Survey for Urban Planning and Emergency Management
New results of the project CAPTURE  will be presented next week at the Cebit. The workflow of the 3D scanning is fast and simple: extremely high-definition spherical images are taken at different point in space, totally freely without any restriction; every detail is accurately documented and inherently present in the images. Indeed, post-processing allows accurately reconstructing the 3D geometry of the scene as a very dense and accurate colored point cloud. Measurements, simulations, scene inspection or emergency planning can be done within a novel 3D viewer, mixing high-resolution panorama views and 3D model.
Google Award for the Augmented Vision Group
An article about Google Research Award for Augmented Vision Group.

see PDF (German)   (link not available anymore)

AV goes Brazil

Der Forschungsbereich Erweiterte Realität (Augmented Vision) des DFKI Kaiserslautern veranstaltet vom 21.-25.02.2011 gemeinsam mit dem Instituto Stela in Florianópolis einen Workshop im Rahmen des von BMBF geförderten „Deutsch-Brasilianischen Jahres der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation 2010/11“. Im Tätigkeitsfokus der beiden international renommierten Institutionen stehen die Entwicklung innovativer Informationssysteme sowie der rasche Technologietransfer ihrer Forschungsergebnisse in die Praxis unter anderem in Form von Spin-offs.

Der Workshop soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, den bestehenden Kontakt zu intensivieren, neue Kontakte in diesem wissenschaftlichen Kontext zu knüpfen, Felder für gemeinsame Forschungsvorhaben zu identifizieren und diese vorzubereiten sowie den Austausch von Wissenschaftlern zu initiieren.

Instituto Stela
Deutsch-Brasilianisches Jahr der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation

Foundation of the GraphicsMedia.Net in Kaiserslautern
The international network GraphicsMedia.Net has been founded on 16.12.2010 in Kaiserslautern. It consists of six prestigious research organizations, which collaborate in the area of computer graphics, computer vision and interaction. As an unique virtual international institute, it bundles an incredible large set of competences and strengthen the position of each member in its local and national environment.
Google Research Award for Augmented Vision
The Augmented Vision research group gets a Google Research Award for developing technologies in the area of new media and interactive video. The award supports the very promising work started in the area of object tracking and video processing. More coming soon…!


Big success of the PAMAP technology
More than 50 newspapers articles, radio and TV reports have been published over the last two months. On 02.09.2010 PAMAP is demonstrated at the multimedia congress of the region and became the eye-catcher of the exhibition.
More information under: and


ARGOS for the INTEL 48-cores Single-chip Cloud Computer
Intel Labs has created an experimental “Single-chip Cloud Computer,” (SCC) a research microprocessor containing the most Intel Architecture cores ever integrated on a silicon CPU chip – 48 cores.
Our Sensor and Computer Vision Library ARGOS has been designed to support such on coming (multi-core) hardware and best fits the SCC approach. Our proposal has been retained and we are proud to get access to the novel and unique SCC hardware.

More information:


Work on the first PAMAP prototype
Scientists in the European research project PAMAP are working on a first prototype to measure physical activities to support healthier and independent living for elderly people. See press release.
Two papers accepted at the VISAPP conference
Two papers at the VISAPP 2010 present part of our activities in computer vision and camera tracking.
Johannes Köhler, Alain Pagani, Didier Stricker
One CVPR paper accepted

We congratulate Yan Cui for his paper at CVPR 2010 together with Standford University and MPI Saarbücken.

3D Shape Scanning with a Time-of-Flight Camera
Yan Cui, Sebastian Schuon , Derek Chan , Sebastian Thrun , Christian Theobalt