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Smart Traffic Analysis for Smart Cities

Researchers from the Augmented Vision group at DFKI have developed a novel approach for automatic video-based traffic analysis.
First, entry and exit zones of complex crossroads or roundabouts are defined interactively.Then, each car is tracked individually by computing the trajectory based solely on the video content.
This provides unique data for traffic analysis and in particularfor supporting simulations for improved traffic solutions.

Feel free to check out the demonstration videos on our YouTube channel: Traffic Analysis

Paper on photo-realistic scanning at the Digital Heritage Conference 2013

In this paper we present a one-button photo-realistic scanning system which provides a realistic 3D (usable!) representation of a given object. The paper will be presented at the Digital Heritage Conference from the 28th October – 1st November 2013 in Marseille, France. Feel free to check out the demonstration videos on our YouTube channel:

Augmented Vision Group wins Google Research Award 2013 for 3D scanning technologies!

We are very proud to announce that we have won the Google Research Award for our research in 3D scanning, object reconstruction and appearance modelling. With this award Google supports cutting-edge research in Computer Science and Engineering with the aim of identifying and supporting world-class, full-time research of mutual interests. The award was granted to the Augmented Vision group for their outstanding work in new methods to fast and systematic 3D modelling and rendering of object appearance.For more information on the OrCaM-system, please visit our project page under or check out our videos on YouTube:

Paper on reliable object tracking and data fusion in video sequences at CVMP 2013

In this paper we present a novel approach for a user supported tracking framework which combines automatic tracking and minimal user input for error free tracking results suitable for interactive video production. We present our results on the CVMP, the 10th European Conference on Visual Media Production on the 6-7th November 2013 in London. You can download the paper here or browse our list of publications.

EU project on Meta-Products and User-Configurable Clothing has started

Twelve different partners from industry and research meet on the 17 & 18th of October at the DFKI in Kaiserslautern for the kickoff meeting of the EASY-IMP project.

This particular Meta-Product will result in a fully user configurable jacket with an integrated sensor network. The user will be able to individually equip the jacket from a wide variety of different sensors. These sensors will send their information to the users smart-phone which will collect and analyse the wearers status with the option to upload the data to the cloud.
You will finally be able to share those skating moves with your friends, monitor health strain for later analysis by your physical therapist or simply collect some hard data on your daily physical exercise during your workout.
For more information, please check our press press release (in German) or the project website:
Poster on Fully Automatic Body Scanning and Motion Capturing Using Two Kinects

Scanning people with a Kinect is still a challenging problem. In this poster we demonstrate an approach for a fully automatic, full body scanning, combining state of the art super-resolution and registration algorithms with a novel approach for shape completion to reconstruct the human body.

For a copy of the poster, please contact Yan Cui.




Two papers have been accepted for the upcoming International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC):

Attila Reiss, Gustaf Hendeby, Didier Stricker

Confidence-based Multiclass AdaBoost for Physical Activity Monitoring

IEEE 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), September 9-12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.

Attila Reiss, Didier Stricker

Personalized Mobile Physical Activity Recognition

IEEE 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), September 9-12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.

For the conference program and the papers’ abstract, please visit:

AR-Handbook selected as “one of the gems” of the software-cluster

The first two projects of the software-cluster EMERGENT and SWINNG have been successfully evaluated by DLR and BMBF. In addition to the generally positive review the BMBF reviewers chose a small selection of “gems”, among them AV’s AR-Handbook for their novel approach to Augmented Reality maintenance assistance.

Video Analytics and Mobile Learning for high-performance sport

In the next two years the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and  the Institute for Applied Scientific Training (IAT) will work together on the use of novel technologies in professional sports. German press release

Publication on a Generic Approach to Inertial Tracking of Arbitrary Kinematic Chains at BodyNet 2013

Motion sensors are becoming incredibly cheap and are already fully integrated. Chaining them allows fully new applications in the area of body and tools tracking.

For a full copy of the work, please contact Markus Miezal.

Successful final review of the EU project SUDPLAN

Brussels, 26th February 2013. Today, the European project SUDPLAN has been reviewed successfully. During the final meeting in Brussels the reviewers of the European Commission emphasized again the importance of the achieved results and appreciated the developed SUDPLAN application.

The department Augmented Vision was responsible for the development of an advanced visualization part. Using a virtual globe the visualization component allows the user to relate any kind of spatial data directly to the underlying terrain model. Moreover, the visualization component provides different viewing modes, e.g. for large screens, stereoscopic displays, to enable the user to utilize such hardware and to immerse into the data. The results of the advanced visualization component can be found here here.

SUDPLAN is an EU FP7 project under the Information Communication Technology programme. The project focused on the development of a web-based planning, prediction and training tool to support decisions in long term urban planning. This helps to assure population´s health, comfort, safety and life quality as well as sustainability of investments in utilities and infrastructures within a changing climate.

The overall project results of SUDPLAN and many videos can be found here.

Augmented Vision @ CeBIT 2013 – March 5th to 09th: Come and see!

DFKI Booth F 50: The first VISTRA interaction prototype -Natural Interaction for Virtual Assembly Training

BMBF Booth E50: The Intelligent Augmented Reality Manual
Project Links:
On February 5th and 6th the AV research department will be hosting the Kick-off meeting of the new European FP7 project AlterEgo. What is the project about?

Social pathologies, including schizophrenia, autism and social phobia, are mainly characterized by difficulties in interaction with others. This causes much suffering both for the patients and those that surround them.

The AlterEgo European project aims to develop and test, in a three years term, an innovative rehabilitation method to improve such relational deficits, using humanoid robotics and virtual reality. More information about AlterEgo and the role of the AV research department in the project will be available soon here.

Augmented Vision @ ISMAR 2012 | Learning Task Structure from Video Examples for Workflow Tracking and Authoring

With the publication of “Learning Task Structure from Video Examples for Workflow Tracking and Authoring” researchers from the department Augmented Vision present their newest results on “AR manual technology”. More… (link not available anymore)

Best Paper Award for AV Researchers

For their paper “Morphing billboards for accurate reproduction of shape and shading of articulated objects with an application to real-time hand tracking”, Nils Petersen and Didier Stricker have won the Best Paper Award at the Conference on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications – CompIMAGE 2012 in September in Rome, Italy.  Read Paper


The upcoming issue of the Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI) will publish the article “Algorithms for 3D Shape Scanning with a Depth Camera”, by Yan Cui and Didier Stricker.

Participate in our IROS 2012 workshop “Cognitive Assistive Systems: Closing the Action-Perception Loop”

In cooperation with members from the University of Bristol, the University of Leeds, the Centre for Computer Graphics in Portugal, and the KTH in Sweden, DFKI will co-organise the IROS 2012 workshop “Cognitive Assistive Systems: Closing the Action-Perception Loop“. The workshop is organised as an activity for the European project COGNITO, to discuss the state-of-the-art methods in assistive systems, and as a platform to show the project’s outcomes.

We warmly invite you to participate and submit your ongoing work until July 13, 2012!

Show How It’s Done – New Methods for Augmented Reality Manuals @ CeBIT 2012

The Augmented Vision department will present their results towards Augmented Reality manuals at this year’s CeBIT taking place in Hannover from March 6th to 10th.

PB_AV_AR-Handbuch_20120301-EN.pdf1.37 MB

You can find our demonstrator at the DFKI booth F42, Hall 26 (CeBIT lab)

CeBIT 2012

Odysseus Studio First Public Release

Studio is a standalone 3D visualizer and editor created in house based on Odysseus Framework.
On top of visualization and editing of your 3D models Studio allows for real time materials tweaking and provides open access to the rendering pipeline to the final user by using cgfx. It supports multiple render targets and it is possible to create a pipeline of scene effects.

To download Studio and to find out more about Studio please check